We're here to make things hassle-free for you! If you need to make any changes to your order, wish to cancel, or initiate a return, please reach out to us. Just drop us a message, and we'll ensure your request is handled with care and efficiency. Please mention the order number in the comment section along with the phone number and email address used during the order placement. At the moment, we have a system in place where customers are unable to directly update, cancel, or return orders through our platform. However, our aim is to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience for you. Your input is important, and we'll take care of the necessary updates or processes from our end. Please note that we cannot modify/return/cancel your order after the order is shipped / dispatched from our end.Request you to read Return and Cancellation Policy before filling out this form.
Need assistance?
Just drop us a message, and we'll ensure your request is handled with care and efficiency.
Reach out our support team via
teamdeltatac.shop@gmail.com or WhatsApp +91 9971678022
(Mon - Sat : 11:00 A.M - 7:00 P.M)
If you have placed the order, Please mention the order number in the comment section along with the phone number and email address used during the order placement.
Please note that if you wish to track your order, you can do that from here. If you need any assistance with tracking, feel free to reach out, and we'll be happy to help!
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